25 Apr 2012
Another wednesday about over with, thank you Lord. Wednesdays are so stressful. Chris did pretty good today but when we got to the restaurant, he had trouble walking and hurt to the point of crying. Thankfully, it got better and he was able to walk in and eat. His head hurt some while we were eating but he was able to finish his food. I hope the Topamax works for him. He only had one head pain today so that's improvement. Mom was walking good until Chris started hurting and then she started walking slow and acting like she was in pain. Jim was with us and he even noticed how she acted; she just couldn't stand Chris getting attention more than her. I must continue to remember that she's old and this is so typical of how she has always been. I've got to make the appointment with the lawyer to get guardianship of Chris because he will never be with her again and she doesn't even want to go to his doctor appointments with us. Ofcourse, it has now reached the point where I need to do everything for her regarding her doctor appointments, medication, and care so it's just as well. I take care of all of Chris' needs and have for a long time but she will not let go of guardianship of him. It will change though because it has to. As I have said before, weird family dynamics for us and it always has been. Oh well, for now I have limited guardianship and I will do whatever I have to do for my brother no matter whether she likes it or not. It's not about my Mom; it's about Chris and what's best for him. He comes before my Mom and that's just how it is. If she doesn't like that, then too bad. You see why I say wednesdays are stressful? They definitely put me in a bad frame of mind. Andy Griffith is coming on and Chris is eating ice cream. That's happiness right there. Goodnight!
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