Wednesday, August 29, 2012

29 Aug 2012
Things have gone pretty good today. Sunday night Jims son came to visit and stayed the night and all day Monday. We had a great visit with him and really enjoyed him being here. Wish he could have stayed longer. I think Jim overdid it these last few days. Today he has relaxed and watched TV and played his guitar and I think has done better because of that. Chris has had a frustrating day today. Maybe I should rephrase that and say I have had a frustrating day with Chris. It was just out of it today and seemed so distant. It makes me sad when he is like this because I know that somewhere inside him is the Chris I have always known. I know he is in there. I told Jim the worst part of this is that I am watching Chris slowly losing everything. The brother I have grown up is leaving me and that breaks my heart. Each day I see him slipping further and further away. It's so damn unfair that he has to go through this. The most precious gift we all have is our memories; our memory of our family and friends-the people we love, memories of the fun times and experiences. When you lose these; what's left? You're lost. Tomorrow I'm going to Mom's to take her to the store. Jim and Chris are going to stay home. I hope they do okay. I think it will be fine. Chris said he was excited to have a guy day with Jim. At least I won't be too far away and it will definitely be so much easier to just take Mom and her walker instead of her and Chris with their "walker wars". Life is so precious and fleeting. Enjoy it now. Live in the moment. Plan for the future but enjoy the now.

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