Monday, March 26, 2012

26 Mar 2012
Today has been a pretty good day. Chris and I watched the boats and barges on the Tennessee River. When we got home, we looked through old photos laughing and remembering all the good times. The issue today is Chris not eating. He had a good breakfast but didn't eat much lunch and didn't want supper. This is an issue with all alzheimer patients; loss of appetite. Thank goodness Chris likes Ensure so he got that and drank it right down. He also loves yogurt so he got that too. Chris has lost 20lbs and even though he could stand to lose some weight; it is now very important that he doesn't lose too much and that he gets his nutrients and vitamins. Chris knows that something is wrong with his brain. He asks me whats wrong with him; why does he forget and get confused. I answer him as honestly as I can. I tell him that his brain is playing tricks with him and we have to get it back on track. He gets scared and cries sometimes. It breaks my heart when he's scared. I'm scared too but I can't ever let him see me cry. That's for at night when I'm lying in bed thinking about everything. Thank God I have a wonderful husband, Jim, that is supportive, loves Chris so and helps with everything. Another issue is Chris' lack of B-12. Alzheimer patients deplete their B-12. When Chris had bloodwork done, his B-12 didn't even register. I give him B-12 every day. It helps him greatly, not only with his energy but also his memory. I tucked Chris in bed tonight after he watched Andy Griffith and I told him as I do every night "Don't ever forget how much you're loved" He has heard it so much that he says it with me now. I hope and pray that this is one thing he won't forget. Chris is loved so very much and so many people love him.
Chris takes 10mg Aricept* every night, 1000mg B-12, 1200mg Fish Oil, and tsp. Coconut Oil as tolerated.

*Aricept has not been promising for patients with Down Syndrome. I think it is helping Chris. It seems to anyway. Hopeful.

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