Monday, June 18, 2012

18 Jun 2012
I'm at my wits end! My back has been out for several days now and it is constantly hurting. I can't bend over or lift anything. I'm on muscle relaxers and they don't really help. I can't be on anything real strong because I have to be on every second with Chris. Today, I had to make calls for Mom, get fed ex to pick up a package for Mom, call to get her lawn mowed in Missouri because the city sent her a letter saying if she didn't get it mowed she would be fined. Shit! There is someone in Missouri that could help if he would but no; I have to deal with everything and I live 8 hrs away. So, I got all of that done and tonight Chris had a BM problem and it was everywhere!!! I mean EVERYWHERE! It was terrible mostly because of my back problems, I can't bend over and bathe him as well as I normally do. I got it done and then I just sat down and cried! I'm overloaded and my Mom doesn't even take a moment to realise this. My older brother doesn't help with anything and I'm trying my best to do it all and it's not working. Mom gets mad if I don't do exactly what she wants when she wants it. Chris is a sweetheart but needs constant care, and I'm not putting enough attention to my marriage. Thank God for an understanding husband but still, I just need alittle help and support sometimes and the very ones who should help me (Mom and older brother) don't. Okay, enough venting for now. Goodnight!

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